The Elmbridge Local Plan has been delayed until later this year. However, in support for the main local plan three further short consultations have been announced.
These consultations are now taking place on three separate topics:
- A ‘new’ Parking SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) to support the existing Local Plan, which consists of the Core Strategy 2011 and the Development Management Plan 2015. Closing date 4th February 2020.
- A ‘revised’ Development Contributions SPD to support the existing Local Plan in particular Core Strategy (2011) policies CS13: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area, CS21: Affordable housing and CS28: Implementation and Delivery. Closing date 4th February 2020.
- Seeking views on EBC’s vision, objectives and the direction for development management policies as part of the preparation of a new Local Plan. Runs from 27th February 2020 to 9th March 2020.
In conjunction with the Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust, we will be advising people on the vision consultation (item 3) in the course of the coming weeks.
For the two SPDs presently under consultation, given the complexity of the documents under consideration and their attachments, the intricacy of the process and the limited time given, the Cobham Heritage planning team agreed to send in a letter summarising our views on each consultation (see letter links below).
- Cobham Heritage Letter Ref: Parking Supplementary Planning Document SPD Consultation
- Cobham Heritage Letter Ref: Development Contributions SPD Consultation
There are many such SPD’s that together with national policies and the Local Plan itself are important when judging planning applications. While some of these consultations are aimed in the first instance at ‘managing’ the existing Local Plan the results will play a role in the development and implementation of the new Local Plan. Accordingly we consider these consultations similarly to that of the Local Plan itself.
We would recommend you look at and write in support of these letters or make your own comments, either by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), as we have, or via the consultation website (see links below). Please note that such letters of support and/or comments need to be sent before 4th February 2020. We are sorry for the short notice but the consultation period was short.
Consultation Links:
Parking SPD -
Development Contributions SPD -
For your reference the documents EBC wish you to comment upon can be downloaded from the following links:
- Parking SPD - and
- Developer Contributions SPD -