We are pleased to report that the rural business centre at Norwood Farm, Old Common Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1BS (application no. 2015/4567) has been refused by Elmbridge Borough Council.
Seven reasons were given for refusal and the report dated 20 May 2016, can be found on the Elmbridge Planning website under planning application 2015/4567.
Those who objected to the earlier applications for a rural business centre at Norwood Farm, Old Common Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1BS may have received notification of an amended proposal (application no. 2015/4567). Looking at this, your Planning Team find that apart from relatively small detail, little has changed in terms of the proposed scale, nature and design of the development from the previously refused application (2014/1993).
Please write now and object to this new application and when objecting it is also important to state that your letter is one of objection and not just comment.
The proposal is still to build a large commercial office development of 2,766sq metres (30,000 sq ft) with car parking.
• There is no justification for a large development in the Green Belt on what was a farm. The present collection of buildings is low key, involving 17 employees and the proposed new development will have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing buildings and uses.
• The site is located in an unsustainable location in terms of access by non-car modes of transport, and the intensification of activities on the site in terms of comings and goings of vehicles would result in harm to the character and openness of the Green Belt.
• The proposed access would be via Elvedon Road off and onto Portsmouth Road. The location is far from reliable or convenient public transport.
• The proposed development will bring no benefit whatsoever to Cobham, only harm by additional traffic generation. It will detract from Cobham as a business centre while too far away for shops to benefit.
• This application for a significant development flies in the face of policies settled by the Core Strategy in 2011 and Green Belt objectives. If permitted it could set a dangerous precedent for pending Green Belt development.
For a more detailed review of the application please click here.
We would ask you to object to this new application now - 2015/4567 - and please note that the closing date for submissions to the Planning Department, Elmbridge Borough Council – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is 25th March 2016.
You can view our objection letter by clicking here