The Consultation is a formal process and ends on 30th September 2019. A number of you have suggested it would be helpful to have guidance on possible responses to the Elmbridge on-line Local Plan Consultation Questionnaire. This page provides some ideas and suggestions for responses to the consultation questions. If you do not have on-line access please call the Council on 01372 474 474 and request a paper copy.
To try and make it as easy for you as possible we have included both the questions and response suggestions.
SUGGESTED RESPONSES ARE IN BLUE ITALICS - we strongly suggest you add/amend/delete and use your own words and add to it with your views.
All these questions limit the number of characters you can enter in the answer box. The number of characters allowed includes spaces and punctuation so we recommend you do not worry too much about the grammar or punctuation as long as your response is clear. If you feel that the character limitations in the on-line questionnaire limit your responses we understand that you can attach a supplementary document at the bottom of the questionnaire.
Remember completed questionnaires must be completed by midnight on Monday 30th September 2019. All individuals are able to respond – it is not limited to one per household and there is no age limit. Please ensure ALL members of your household complete a questionnaire, everyone counts.
Click on each Question number below to view our recommended response. Click here to open a separate tab to visit the Elmbridge Consultation website and to complete the consultation questionnaire. Click on each tab to switch between our Suggested Responses page and the Consultation Questionnaire. Copy and paste our suggested responses as the basis for your own question responses.
Elmbridge wants to know you have read the consultation document by answering Yes to this question. Elmbridge needs to know in which area you live. 3a Place-making and the continued success of well designed, well-functioning places is fundamental to developing a growth strategy for the borough. What are the key characteristics that make your area a great place to live? (Maximum 500 characters) • Rural nature, easy access to a wealth of open spaces 3b What changes would you like to see in the borough over the next 15 years? (Maximum 500 characters) • Right housing in the right places – affordable housing near employment, schools, bus/train links, health facilities & shops 4a Select the Option which you believe best suits your area We recommend Option 4. To see why, view our Option 4 is Best page Please tell us why you have chosen this option (Maximum 600 characters) • It is the lowest development option so has the least impact on the borough 4b Please give details of any alternative ways you think we could meet the government’s ambitious housing target for Elmbridge of 623 new homes each year for the next 15 years. (Maximum 600 characters) There is no need to meet the 623 or 9300 targets as fundamentally wrong, with no evidence supporting this & ignores population changes & housing market How do you think we should plan for the new homes we need in your area? • Higher densities, Please provide any comments here (Maximum 500 characters) • EBC must use a reduced target reduction using 2016 base and relevant contemporary data Ticking YES to question 6a allows access to further comment on individual planning issues. To make the point that change is needed, it is valid to tick all issues that you find need attention and then be selective in the comments box. 6a Are you aware of any planning issues that need to be addressed in our detailed day-to-day planning policies? We recommend you respond Yes 6b If yes, please specify which planning issues (Maximum 400 characters for the explanation) • Density Please tick those that you feel need to be addressed. Keep in mind you will only have 400 characters to explain why, so you may need to prioritise the explanations unless you provide supplementary text. See below some example answers from which residents can choose topics for the comments box. We have not covered heritage and historic building policies for example because they are not fundamental to the current housing consultation. Note: The importance of the new Local Plan is that it will govern decisions on individual planning applications in your neighbourhood for the next 15 years. Recently Elmbridge have been allowing an increase in densities and other impositions on our residential areas with little differentiation for character, amenity, traffic or parking requirements. Until a new preferred strategic option is chosen for the new Local Plan, based on responses to this questionnaire, it is not possible to identify all policies that may need looking at. Suggested comment has therefore to be hugely simplified and very selective to cover those with most practical impact. More obscure policies will be covered by organisations as best they can. Do you have any comments to make in relation to this Options Consultation? (Maximum 600 characters) • 2016 Consultation’s which resulted in 3,600 responses appear to have been mis-interpreted on density and Arup scoring led to some parcels described as weakly performing but should not have been. Did you respond to the previous Local Plan Strategic Options Consultation in 2016? Please answer as appropriate. Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
• Good coverage of woods, wide variety of trees
• Natural landscapes
• River Mole encourages bio-diversity
• Access to network of footpaths
• Separate village communities and high streets with independent shops
• High quality places, build and design
• Plot sizes create a sense of space
• Proportionate scale and height of buildings
• Garaged off street parking. Limited on street parking
• Sports fields, recreation grounds, allotments within the urban area
• Good rail and road access to London
• Density of housing appropriate to character area
• Any change should retain character & quality of life of separate villages in Cobham/Stoke d’Abernon/Oxshott/Downside
• Limit HGV use of A244 and A245
• Noise levels reduced
• Improved public transport
• Increased green spaces and trees
• Improved air quality
• Encouragement for High St businesses, shops, cafes & restaurantsQuestion 4
• It is the lowest urbanisation option
• It allows the affordability issue to be addressed (smaller houses will result from limited land available to reach quota) all other Options would imply greater scope for sprawl.
• It is the most environmentally friendly option (least pollution, least loss of habitats and destruction of trees) as it takes no Green Belt land and retains our Green Lungs.
- Office of Nat Statistics from 2016 should be used to establish targets
- Elmbridge currently has 3000 more dwellings than households. Second homes not needed.Question 5
Choices are:
• Green Belt release
• A mixture of higher densities and Green Belt release
• Other
• Greater proportion of houses near frequent, reliable transport hubs with supporting retail
• Development to respect existing character - and this respect to be paramount
• No loss of playing grounds and green spaces
• No ‘one-size-fits-all’ density policy - tiered per EBC’s sustainability study
• Green Belt development should be for proven case-by-case Very Special Circumstances onlyQuestion 6
• Design / Character
• Building heights
• Parking
• Conservation Areas
• Historic features (e.g. listed buildings)
• Sustainability / renewable energy
• Flooding
• Open spaces
• OtherDensity, Design and Character
Sustainability/renewable energy
Open spaces, and allotments.
Public Transport
Affordable Housing
Housing above employment land use.
Question 7
• Consultation goes live mid summer holidays. No extension allowed
• Inconsistencies between documents
• Poor web navigation and malfunctions on website in first few days of the Consultation.
• Many elderly residents disadvantaged due to on-line focus of Consultation
• Confusing Options with unclear follow up and process
• Definition of Affordable homes is unrealistic in our areas
• 70% of housing need is for ‘Affordable’. Only public sector can provide with commensurate public funding. West London is source of most demand and transfer of grant from London Boroughs to EBC is fair.Question 8
You may have some other questions about the consultation. Have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page as we may have an answer.