- Sign up for our latest email updates by visiting our Free Newsletter page
- Get more information and view our suggested responses to some of the questions found in the Council’s online questionnaire. Visit our Suggested Responses page.
- Have your Say and if you haven't already, register now on the Elmbridge Borough Council (EBC) website
www.consult.elmbridge.gov.uk/consult.ti/system/register For help registering, click here
or call Elmbridge Borough Council by phone on 01372 474 474 for a paper copy. All individuals can register and take part - this is not limited to one per household. - The main links to the Elmbridge Consultation website are shown below:
- Register or login to take part in the consultation, view the detailed documentation and complete the questionnaire.
consult.elmbridge.gov.uk/consult.ti/system/login - EBC Local Plan Options Consultation Document
- Interactive Maps for all 5 Options
emaps.elmbridge.gov.uk/ebc_planning.aspx?requesttype=parseTemplate&template=optionsconsultmap.tmplt - Evidence Base Documentation
- Register or login to take part in the consultation, view the detailed documentation and complete the questionnaire.
- All the scheduled Elmbridge Borough Council Local Plan Public meetings took place between 27th Aug to 5th Sept 2019.
All these meetings were webcast so you can play them via the following link:
The Cobham, Oxshott and Stoke D'Abernon meeting was on Monday 2nd Sept 2019, this may be of particular interest to residents in the Cobham area. - Come to the Cobham Green Belt Group public meeting on Thursday 19th September 2019 and bring your friends and neighbours. Click here for more details.
- Help with Fundraising – this will be a long battle so we need to build a fighting fund. Watch out for Fundraising ideas, details on how you can donate and fundraising updates on our Fundraising pages.
- Spread the word – to friends and neighbours
- Like and follow us on FaceBook and Twitter
Our Recommended option is Option 4
We believe Option 4 is the best for Elmbridge and Cobham, Stoke D'Abernon, Oxshott and Downside. Our local councillors agree! Visit the Option 4 is the Best page for more details.
Display a Poster
If you would like to display a poster, click on the Get a Poster button below and download a copy to print or contact us to request a pre-printed copy.
Fundraising and Offers of Help
If you would like to donate, help fundraise or help in some other way, please visit our Fundraising and Offers of Help page.
Fundraising and Offers of Help >
Sign Up for Our Free Newsletter
If you have not already, you may like to sign up for our free newsletter so we can keep you informed of the Elmbridge Local Plan Consultation progress and other important news about Cobham's Green Belt.
Sign up for our Free Newsletter >